SWIFT September has launched! Watch the Welcome Session

Roy McLeod, Steve McKeown and Myron Thiessen launched SWIFT September 2021 yesterday with the Welcome Session, hosted virtually in an interactive format.

We heard from a number of airfield maintenance operatives discussing how they survived in their roles and airports following on from the COVID-19 pandemic, and how optimistic they were feeling about the future. Poll results showed that 71% of Welcome Session attendees were also feeling positive about the future, 20% cautiously optimistic, with only 9% of attendees saying they did not feel positive about the future.

SWIFT September 2021 session leads also previewed their upcoming sessions, of which there will be two a day for the remaining four Wednesdays in September.

There is still time to register for the eight SWIFT sessions: ATTEND SWIFT

The session was  by Team Eagle, headline sponsors of SWIFT SEPTEMBER 2021

A selection of comments made by delegates during the session:

  • “Thank you Swift Committee, great to be part of this new platform and initiative”
  • “Great initiative and presentation show the quality and Professionalism of our Association!”
  • “Looking forward to participating in all the sessions!!! thank you!!
  • Great welcome session, thank you”
  • “Very happy to see the SWIFT team again and to be able to participate!”
  • “This is my first SWIFT conference and I’m looking forward to the sessions!”
  • “I really like the format. It’s very modern and engaging”


Session (and headline) sponsor: Team Eagle

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